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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Almond Board CEO Forecasts Almond Community Growth

For nearly 30 years the California Almond community has been committed to making significant strides in sustainability 1 through production improvements and adoption of more efficient technologies. In fact, one pound of almonds is now grown with 33% less water than it took 20 years ago 2. Innovations past and present continue to be important as the production of California...

A Growing Opportunity for Almond Milk

Got almond milk? In 2017, many Americans did have some, with the category growing to be the second largest almond volume category, according to retail estimates. With this opportunity, the Almond Board launched new communications initiatives in the U.S. and Canada around the versatility of almond milk. After a series of consumer research, a new campaign was developed called “All...

Growing Good
World Water Day: Solutions Inspired by Nature

T his World Water Day, and every day, we celebrate California Almond farmers’ commitment to sustainable water solutions. These solutions can be found all around us in nature, as highlighted by this year's World Water Day theme, “Nature for Water.” The California Almond community’s response to this theme is the exploration of on-farm groundwater recharge, which speeds up the natural...

Growing Good
Enjoy Eating Almonds? Thank a Honey Bee!

During almond bloom each year, bees move from tree to tree and pollinate almond blossoms along the way. Every almond you eat exists because a honey bee pollinated an almond blossom. Watch how almonds depend on bees - and how bees depend on almonds as their first natural food source after a long winter - in this video: Want to...

Growing Good
Own Your Everyday. Every Day.

There’s a lot of stuff to do every day. Yep, no news there. Getting through it all is part of our everyday routine. But for many people, getting things checked off the to-do list, and taking care of the people around us, is something we take pride in. It’s good to feel a sense of accomplishment when the day is...

Growing Good
Honey Bee Guru Honored as One of the Most Influential Apiculturists in the Nation

Almond Board of California is celebrating its community by running occasional features on farmers, processors, and others who support the industry, highlighting their commitment to sustainability. 1 Internationally known honey bee guru Eric Mussen was recognized in January at the 75th annual American Beekeeping Federation's conference in Reno, receiving the 2018 Founders' Award from the Foundation for the Preservation of...