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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Increased Almond Acreage Means Increased Value to Local Environment

Today, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service reported that California’s almond acreage increased in 2017. Bearing acres, that is orchards old enough to produce a crop, were reported at 1 million acres, which is up 6 percent from 2016. Total almond acres for 2017 were estimated at 1.33 million acres, up 7 percent from the previous year. 1 As you may...

Growing Good
Celebrating Earth Day and Our Journey to Zero Waste

This Earth Day, and every day, California almond farmers and processors practice a zero waste approach, ensuring everything grown in the orchard is put to good use. With support from the Almond Board of California, researchers are investigating new uses of almond coproducts – the hulls, shells, and woody material. These innovations will bring additional value to the California Almond...

Growing Good
Groundwater Recharge Update: Early Results Show No Negative Effect on the Trees

UC Water News published an interview with Dr. Helen Dahlke, an associate professor at UC Davis and Almond Board-funded researcher, in which she discusses her research on the feasibility of recharging underground aquifers by flooding almond orchards and other crops fields. Both experiments have yielded early results which, for almonds, indicate that when practice in winter, groundwater recharge isn’t harmful...

Growing Good
California Almonds: Growing Good with Each Drop

Did you know that growing almonds is a good use of water? That’s right – new research published in the Journal of Ecological Indicators affirms that almonds rank among the most valuable foods grown in California in terms of the dietary and economic benefits for the water needed to produce them. What’s more, research has also found that the water...

California Almonds in the City of Angels: Food Trends Tour

Los Angeles is considered to have a health-focused and innovative food scene fueled by locally sourced ingredients. In February, Almond Board of California (ABC) hosted a food trends tour of the City of Angels to check out some of the most unique and delicious ways chefs and product developers are using California Almonds. The tour itinerary featured stops at neighborhood...

Growing Good
Beer, Plastic, and Fuel: The Future of Almond Coproducts

Did you know that almond trees grow multiple products? In addition to the kernel that we eat, almond trees also produce coproducts – the hulls and shells that protect the nut during its development. These almond coproducts have been utilized in responsible and sustainable ways for decades as dairy feed and livestock bedding, and now, with support from Almond Board...