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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
How the Almond Community Supports Bee Health in Orchards and Beyond

Through research insights and partnerships with universities, government agencies, nonprofits, and others, the California Almond community works diligently to ensure that honey bees are happy, healthy, and safe while they visit almond orchards. Honey Bee Health Research Since honey bee health was made a strategic research priority of Almond Board of California (ABC) in 1995, the California Almond community has...

Growing Good
Honey Bees Benefit from a Buffet of Flowering Plants

Almond Board of California is celebrating its community by running occasional features on farmers, processors, and others who support the industry, highlighting their commitment to sustainability. 1 It’s almond bloom season! The bees are in California Almond orchards pollinating the blossoms, and almond farmers are doing more than ever to make their orchards a safe place for these essential pollination...

Events, Health & Wellness
Celebrate Your Favorite Heart-Smart Nut on Almond Day!

Happy Almond Day! Almond Day is celebrated annually on February 16, in conjunction with Heart Health Month, because almonds and heart health go hand in hand. In fact, scientific evidence suggests that eating 1.5 ounces of most nuts, such as almonds, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease! Worldwide...

Growing Good, Health & Wellness
Almonds + Honey: A Sweet Pairing

Every almond you eat exists because a honey bee pollinated an almond blossom, but did you know the bees benefit, too? Almond orchards provide honey bees with their first natural food source each year, supporting a healthy start to their pollination season. Just like almonds are a nutritious snack for us, almond pollen is very nutritious for honey bees. Bee...

Growing Good
Without Honey Bees There Would Be No Almonds

It’s that time of year again! Between February and March, almond tree buds burst into beautiful blooms, and honey bees come to California Almond orchards. Every almond you eat exists because a honey bee pollinated an almond blossom. Almond trees are not self-pollinating, so they need some extra help to pollinate flowers and start the process of growing nuts. Honey...

Events, Growing Good
KIND CEO Advocates for Honesty, Transparency in the Food System at 2017 Almond Conference

In December, the California Almond community gathered in Sacramento for the annual Almond Conference where hot topics in the industry were discussed. From bee health to marketing programs, sessions armed almond farmers and processors with information that will directly impact the decisions and activities in the orchard to benefit California Almonds for years to come. Daniel Lubetzky, Founder and CEO...