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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Almond Growers Talk About Farming During Drought

MSNBC ran a great segment this weekend about some of the challenges almond growers face while farming during drought, as well as some of the innovative technology they’re using to precisely monitor and irrigate exactly according to needs. Check it out.

Growing Good
Almonds: A “three-for-one”

Millions of people love the almond for its great taste and nutrition. Fewer people know that almond farmers actually produce three crops in one. While the kernel is the most recognizable product of the almond tree, almond farmers don't let anything go to waste. This handy infographic explains what the hulls and shells are, and how almond growers make use...

Growing Good
How Little Bees Win When Leaders Come Together

Almond orchards have transitioned from delicate white blooms to vibrant green leaves. Honey bees, busy of course, have moved on to do their job in berries, cherries, citrus, melons, and the more than 90 different blossoming crops around California and the rest of North America that rely on them for pollination. However, even when they’ve left to pollinate other crops...

Growing Good
Almonds and Water 101

Today, the California Water Resources Control Board is expected to adopt regulations implementing Governor Brown’s orders to cut water usage. The restrictions are historic and serious, and it’s no surprise they’ve sparked significant debate about water use in the state. While this round of cuts focus mostly on residential users, it’s important to note that farmers have already seen severe...

Growing Good
Karen Ross, Secretary of Food & Agriculture Weighs in on the Drought

A few days ago, the Modesto Bee ran an op-ed penned by Karen Ross, California’s Secretary of Food & Agriculture, raising concerns about the tone and accusations being made about agricultural water use during the drought. We commend Ross for publically voicing her support for farmers across the state, many of whom are fighting for their livelihoods right now and...

Growing Good
Seven Ways Almonds Provide Value for Californians

If you’ve been following the media conversation about California’s drought recently, you’ve probably seen discussion about how much water agriculture – and almonds specifically – use. One thing you don’t see as much of, though, is discussion about what value almonds provide in return for that water, which is not more than the amount needed to grow many other crops.