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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Almond Farmers Recognized for Innovation, Leadership

Multiple generations of almond farmers have produced not only multiple crops of California Almonds, but also innovative leaders. The latest ?crop? of leaders is represented by Daniel Bays and Matthew Efird. These fifth-generation almond farmers have been recognized for their innovation in sustainable growing practices as well as their leadership on the farm, in local communities and in the agricultural industry.

Growing Good
Almond Board of California Embraces Leadership Role and Plans for the Future

The Almond Board of California is keeping sharp focus on the strategic priorities that drive our industry forward and that fully embrace our leadership role in California agriculture. The Board of Directors held a strategic retreat in February, 2016 to expand and add new capabilities and initiatives to the Board’s programs. “Now is the time for our industry to accelerate...

Growing Good
A Partnership as Sweet as Honey

From Chico to Bakersfield, almond orchards are covered in white blossoms with bees carrying pollen from blossom to blossom. Without honey bees hard work in the orchards this time of year, there simply wouldn?t be any almonds!

Growing Good
The California Almond Community Works Hard to Safeguard Honey Bees – Our Vital Partners in Producing Almonds

Millions of the California Almond industry’s hardest working partners – honey bees – are buzzing into the orchards to pollinate billions of almond blossoms in the process to produce this year’s crop. In doing so they will feast on almond pollen, -- their honey bees’ first natural food source following winter -- and pollinating billions of almond blossoms in the process to produce this year’s crop. This The essential, age-old relationship between honey bees and almonds is the single largest managed pollination event in the world.

Events, Growing Good
Whole Orchard Recycling Could Benefit Soil Quality and Provide Additional Carbon Sequestration

California almond growers are examining new ways to deal with tree biomass produced by the removal of old orchards other than cogeneration burning. While sending the biomass to cogeneration converts the wood to electricity, returning the wood back to the soil would return the nutrients and energy back to the soil ecosystem. Thus, one concept getting closer attention is whole...

Growing Good
Modesto Almond Farmer Banks Local Stormwater

Almond Farmer Nick BlomEast of San Francisco in the heart of the Central Valley, almond farmer Nick Blom is intentionally flooding 15 acres of almond trees in Modesto. Researchers at the University of California, Davis are working with Almond Board of California and Sustainable Conservation to test if Blom’s orchard and other almond orchards can be sites for recharging groundwater...