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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good, Food Inspiration
Introducing the 2016 Annual Almanac Report

Almond Board of California is proud to announce the official release of the 2016 Almond Almanac, our annual year-end report. With the most up-to-date facts and figures, comprehensive historical information about almond production, acreage and program overviews, this report provides a comprehensive and visual story of the California Almond growing and processing community. Positioned as a go-to tool for industry...

Growing Good
Collaborating to Make Water Sustainability a California Reality

Almond Board of California was pleased to join the CEO Water Mandate, the California Water Action Collaborative (CWAC), and other organizations from across government, the private sector, and civil society, for a two-day working summit earlier this month to develop a collective vision for water stewardship in California, explore opportunities for transformative change, and plan collective actions to advance the...

Health & Wellness
Feel Good About Making Almonds Your Snack of Choice

You can’t deny that almonds are a great snack. They taste great, whether you like them natural, roasted or flavored. They’re healthy – a one-ounce handful provides half your daily needs for vitamin E, is a significant source of magnesium and riboflavin, and is full of naturally good fats. They’re easy to carry around on the go as a non-perishable...

Growing Good
How long is an almond orchard productive?

This post was written by Kern County almond farmer Jenny Holtermann and originally appeared on her blog, You Say All-mend, I Say Am-end on Sept. 15, 2016. Jenny discusses the life cycle of almond trees, comparing the need to pull out a 28-year-old orchard nearing the end of its productive life while at the same time experiencing the first harvest...

Growing Good
Pollinators and Farmer Win Big with Blooming Buffet for Bees

Did you know that without bees and other pollinators like them, almonds – along with many of our other favorite foods – simply wouldn't exist? It’s true. Lakhy Sran, partner and second-generation farmer at the Fresno County-based Sran Family Orchards, knows how important a healthy bee population is to almonds and crops around the United States. We’re proud to say...

Growing Good, Health & Wellness
Adopting and Protecting the Mediterranean Diet

With its cool winters and hot summers, California’s Central Valley offers unique and ideal growing conditions for many diverse crops that are eaten in a “Mediterranean diet,” including our favorite -- almonds. The Mediterranean diet reflects a traditional eating pattern found in the countries of the Mediterranean region of Europe. This style of eating is plant-forward, emphasizing fruits and vegetables...