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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Health & Wellness
Dietitian E-News: Healthy Hearts & Almonds
Food Inspiration
5 Almond Trends This Year, Plus 7 Almond Myths Cracked Open

From almond nutritional value to almond farming sustainability, what you need to know about almonds this year, including debunked misconceptions.

Food Inspiration
The Benefits of Almonds in Chocolate Products: Your Questions Answered

From consumer to sensory and shelf-stability research, the latest on why almonds are an ideal ingredient in chocolate product innovation.

Health & Wellness
5 Ways to Refresh Your Wellness Routine

Expert tips to refresh your routine, from healthy snacking with boosted nutrition (and recipes!) to nourished skin from within.

Health & Wellness
Dietitian E-News: Start the Year Right with the Help of Almonds
Health & Wellness
Simple Wellness with Shereen Pavlides