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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Water Management is a Complex Issue in California. But We Need to Tackle It Together

By Brian Wahlbrink, almond farmer Special to The Sacramento Bee Of all the issues that have crossed Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk during his first 100 days in office, water might very well be the most complex. How the state manages this precious resource is an urgent concern for residents, businesses, environmentalists and the agricultural sector. I am an almond grower...

Events, Food Inspiration
From Kernel to Keg: Almond Leadership Program Participants Bring Almond Beer to Life

For years, people have enjoyed almonds in various forms, from almond flour to almond butter to almonds as an ingredient in yogurt. Today, a new use for almonds is growing in popularity: almond beer. This trend is making its way through the craft beer scene, and Almond Leadership Program (ALP) participants Dominique Camou and Lucas Schmidt wanted more than just...

Growing Good
ABC Invests in Washington State University Honey Bee Health Experiment

Happy World Bee Day! Without honey bees there would quite simply be no almonds so California’s almond farmers have a deep, vested interest in protecting their health. Because of their essential role in almond farming, moving pollen from flower to flower and pollinating the crop along the way, the California almond community has funded over 100 bee health research projects...

Growing Good
Beer, Plastic, Insect Feed: Almonds Find Unexpected Uses in Journey to Zero Waste

This post first appeared on Sustainable Brands on May 2, 2019. Almonds are a fantastic food — they’re packed with [6 grams of] protein, have good fat, are an excellent snack themselves and make great alternatives to milk and flour products. But almonds may soon bring us joy in a host of new ways. The almond industry is growing while...

Growing Good
Zero Waste: Putting Almond Coproducts to Optimal Use on Earth Day and Every Day

Reduce, reuse, recycle are particularly meaningful words on Earth Day, but for almond farmers they’re top of mind all year round. Did you know almond trees grow more than just the nutritious almonds we eat? Our favorite nut grows in a shell, protected by a hull, on a tree. The California almond community has always taken responsibility to ensure each...

Growing Good
Central Valley Reacts to Almond Orchard 2025 Goals

Recently, the Almond Board of California announced the Almond Orchard 2025 Goals, which focus on the almond community’s dedication to growing good in our orchards and beyond. With targets across zero waste, water efficiency, pest management and air quality, the goals build off decades of previous achievements and represent the almond community’s public commitment to continuous improvement. Check out some...