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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Reflecting on Ag and Almonds in California

Today, March 18, is National Ag Day, when producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, and governmental agencies across America gather to recognize and celebrate all that agriculture contributes to American life. Here in California, we also celebrate California Ag Day at the same time, in recognition of our state’s central role in American agriculture.

Growing Good
Esquire Magazine Covers Multi-generational Farmers in the Central Valley

Esquire is a publication known for red-carpet fashion, but this week the magazine traded tuxedos and wingtips for plaid shirts and work boots with a fascinating look at the ins and outs of growing California almonds. Esquire recently met the Bays family – a multi-generational clan of farmers like so many California almond growers – and saw firsthand the hard work, long hours, and constantly-evolving technology that go into producing our favorite delicious snack

How Sustainability is Shaping the Food and Nutrition Conversation

The way we define “healthy eating” appears to be changing. In late February, the nutrition world was abuzz with the release of the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Making global headlines was the fact that for the first time, sustainability was addressed in an entire chapter. Indeed, growing evidence surrounding the environmental impacts of food production has intensified the conversation around sustainability and diet.

Growing Good
Buds, Bees and Bloom- Part 3: Bloom

This post was written by Kern County almond grower Jenny Holtermann and originally appeared on her blog, You Say All-mend, I Say Am-end. This is the third in a series of guest posts from Jenny about the pollination process.

Growing Good
Buds, Bees and Bloom- Part 2: Bees

Our almond buds have broken and the bloom has started, now it's time for the bees to start working! Our 2nd B in our three part pollination series is Bees. This post was written by Kern County almond grower Jenny Holtermann and originally appeared on her blog, You Say All-mend, I Say Am-end. This is the second in a series of guest posts from Jenny about the pollination process.

Growing Good
Report: Bee Supply to Meet Almond Pollination Demand

With almond bloom upon us, the Western Farm press has good news about honey bees. According to an article by Greg Northcutt, bee supply is “expected to meet demand for almond pollination” this year.