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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Green Almonds: A Seasonal Delicacy

Almond Board of California is celebrating its community by running occasional features on farmers, processors, and others who support the industry, highlighting their commitment to sustainability. 1 Stewart & Jasper Orchards is a family-owned almond farming and processing operation near Newman, California. Founded in 1948, it is now managed by second and third-generation almond farmers, Jason Jasper, and his father...

Growing Good
Finding the Middle Ground Between Sustainability and Profitability

Recently Suzy Friedman, senior director of sustainable agriculture at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) – a partner of the Almond Board of California (ABC), wrote an op-ed titled: “ There’s good reason to end the agriculture versus the environment fight”. As the California Almond community works continuously to improve its practices, many of her points resonate loudly with our farmers’...

Growing Good
A Comprehensive, Living Map of California Almonds

The Almond Board of California (ABC) has partnered with Land IQ, a Sacramento-based agricultural and environmental scientific research and consulting firm, to develop a comprehensive, living map of California Almonds, orchard-by-orchard. This map is the result of over half a decade of research and because Land IQ’s approach does not rely on surveys or extrapolation, it has an accuracy of...

Growing Good
Year-Long Immersion Program for Future Almond Leaders Kicks Off

We are excited to welcome 18 new participants to the 2017 Almond Board of California’s (ABC) Almond Leadership Program! Now in its ninth year, this program helps prepare the participants to become leaders within the California almond community and in their local communities. “It's amazing to see the unity in diversity; we have growers, handlers, PCAs, and more, sitting together...

Ag Day Celebrates Contributions of Agriculture to Everyday Life

National Ag Day, observed on March 21, celebrates the abundance provided by agriculture and recognizes the many contributions it brings to our everyday lives. This year’s theme, Agriculture: Food for Life, reminds us of the fundamental fact that food is vital to survival, by which agriculture is part of all of us. The Almond Board of California celebrated agriculture last...

Growing Good
California Water Action Collaborative Tours Almond Research Site

More than ever consumers are interested in where their food comes from and how it is produced. While the recent drought in California has brought almond conversations to the forefront, companies across the board are talking to their customers about how products can be good for people, their communities and the planet. For the food & beverage companies and leading...