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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good
Employee Q&A: Hannah Young, Industry Relations Summer Intern

In our ABC Q&A series, we bring you brief interviews with some of the minds driving innovation at the Almond Board of California. We speak to a wide variety of folks who work here at the Almond Board, exploring topics from research, to conservation, to favorite almond recipes. In this installment, we talked to Hannah Young who spent her summer...

Growing Good
How Farmers Prepare for Almond Harvest All Year Long

Almond Board of California is celebrating its community by running occasional features on farmers, processors, and others who support the industry, highlighting their commitment to sustainability. 1 Stanislaus County almond farmer Gordon Heinrich is a third-generation family farmer. Gordon's grandfather came to California’s Central Valley from Ohio in 1905 along with his three brothers. Together they raised dairy cows and...

Growing Good
The Almond Lifecycle: From Bloom to Snack Time

Almonds and the trees that grow them go through many stages in their annual lifecycle including dormancy during winter, the stunning bloom in February and March, “growing up” through the spring, and “cracking open” in summer. The year finishes up with harvest spanning from mid-August to October, followed by shelling and sizing. Only then is the crop, representing 80% of...

Growing Good
Meet the Woman Behind the North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program

Almond Board of California is celebrating its community by running occasional features on farmers, processors, and others who support the industry, highlighting their commitment to sustainability. 1 Del Puerto Water District General Manager Anthea Hansen has recently tackled the challenge of finding a new water source in California, overseeing the implementation of miles of pipeline carrying treated water from the...

Growing Good
Employee Q&A: Bob Curtis, Director of Agricultural Affairs

In our ABC Q&A series, we bring you brief interviews with some of the minds driving innovation at the Almond Board of California. We speak to a wide variety of folks who work here at the Almond Board, exploring topics from research, to conservation, to favorite almond recipes. Today we are featuring an interview with Bob Curtis, who is retiring...

Growing Good
Going High Tech for Water Saving

The California almond community is committed to the responsible and efficient use of water. Improvements in production practices and water-saving technologies have helped almond farmers reduce the amount of water it takes to grow a pound of almonds by 33 percent over the past 20 years. 1 Decades of Almond Board-funded water research and innovation has led to impactful on-farm...