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Almond Living Magazine

California almonds

Why Almonds are a Perfect Exercise Food to Keep You Prime

Growing Good, Food Inspiration
California Almonds: The “Ne Plus Ultra” of Quality Control

Thanks to the California almond industry’s quality control programs, consumers around the world enjoy the consistent high quality and safety of California almonds. In fact, the food safety program established by Almond Board of California (ABC) is held up as a prime example in the produce industry. You might say, like two of California’s most popular almond varieties, it is...

Growing Good
Almond Board Expands Ag in the Classroom Education

Many students, and even adults for that matter, don’t realize that almonds grow on trees. Even more, they’re often unaware that California is an agricultural powerhouse with more than 400 crops grown here. Almond Board of California (ABC) is committed to closing this gap in understanding; specifically educating elementary students, so they can better understand where their food comes from...

Growing Good
Bee-ing Good Partners for Honey Bee Health

Honey bees are essential to agriculture — helping produce approximately one in three bites of the food we eat. They are also essential to the vitality of the almond community. Without the honey bees that pollinate our trees every spring, there would be no almonds. And without almond blossoms, the bees would lose their first important natural source of nutritious...

Growing Good
Pollinator Week Shines Light on the Essential Role Honey Bees Play in Daily Life

National Pollinator Week, June 20-26, reminds us of the essential role pollinators play in global food security and, specific to almonds, the vital partnership between growing almonds and honey bees. Almond growers know, understand and value this relationship which plays out each year in pollinating California’s almond crop. Their long-term health and well-being is one of the California almond community’s...

Events, Growing Good
Honey Bee Pavilion Debuts at Stanislaus County Fair

This harvest season Almond Board of California’s Honey Bee Pavilion made its debut at the Stanislaus County Fair, July 8-17. With graphics and facts, the exhibit’s goal was to educate fairgoers on beekeepers’ yearly duties, the role of bees in pollinating almonds and the Almond Board’s commitment to protecting honey bee health. Honey bees play a vital role in almond...

Growing Good
New Irrigation Tool Increases Efficiency, Helps Growers Streamline Decision-making

Water efficiency is a priority for California almond growers, who know first-hand how vital, and at times scarce, this resource can be. That’s why Almond Board of California (ABC) developed an Irrigation Calculator which automatically calculates the best timing and amount of irrigation water for growers to apply in their orchards. Based on local conditions, the irrigation scheduling information provided...