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A Partnership as Sweet as Honey


Click to EnlargeFrom Chico to Bakersfield, almond orchards are covered in white blossoms with bees carrying pollen from blossom to blossom.  Without honey bees hard work in the orchards this time of year, there simply wouldn’t be any almonds!

Almond farmers understand this harmonious relationship and have a deep vested interest in protecting the health of honey bees. The concern for honey bee health extends beyond honey bees’ time in almond orchards; it’s a year-round commitment including honey bee health research and sharing the “Honey Bee Best Management Practices for California Almonds” with all those involved in pollination. “The Buzz on Bees + Almonds” infographic counts these efforts and all the ways the almond community loves honey bees.

» Download "The Buzz on Bees + Almonds" Infographic as a PDF.

Topics: Growing Good