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See You at FNCE, Friends!


Friends, it’s time to pack your bags because FNCE 2022 is right around the corner! While we are glad that FNCE can go forward, our hearts are with the people of Florida affected by Hurricane Ian. We hope our presence helps support the local economy during this difficult time. If you are able to attend in person, please stop by Booth #901 to learn more about the latest almond nutrition research, sample some delicious (and nut-ricious) specially created flavored almonds, and pick up your Perfect Portion Almond Tin. Stop by the booth to learn how you can get yours and to pick up other free goodies.  

Our relationship goes beyond just FNCE. Aside from receiving our monthly educational eNewsletter, our on-staff dietitians are always on call to help support your learning goals and understanding of almond nutrition research.  Whether you need an informational handout for clients, recipe inspiration or webinars for CEU credit, you’ll find lots of great resources on our website.  We look forward to seeing you at FNCE!

RESEARCH UPDATE: A recent study investigates the effect of nut consumption on breast cancer survival.  

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a good time to talk to patients about the role of a healthy diet as it pertains to the development of some cancers. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States composing 1 in 3 cancer diagnosis1. Maintaining a healthy diet can play an important role in reducing breast cancer risk and improving survival. Further, 20 to 40% of breast cancer patients have recurrence of the disease2

The study3 examined the associations of nut consumption (including peanuts and tree nuts), assessed at 5-year postdiagnosis with overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) among 3,449 long-term breast cancer survivors from the Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study. Approximately 6.5 months after cancer diagnosis, participants were enrolled in the study via in-person interviews. Clinical information collected included cancer stage, tumor status and progesterone receptor status, and primary treatments. In-person follow-up surveys were conducted at 18 months and 3, 5 and 10 years after diagnosis. At the 5-year postdiagnosis survey, a comprehensive dietary survey was conducted using a validated food frequency questionnaire designed to measure the consumption of commonly consumed foods in Shanghai. Total nut consumption was calculated as the sum of intake from peanuts, walnuts, and other nuts (including almonds). Consumption of total nuts was further categorized into three groups (0, 0-median [17.32 g/wk], and >median). 


  • Among 3,449 participants included in the final analysis, 3,148 were nut consumers. Compared with non-consumers, nut consumers had a younger age at diagnosis, lower BMI, higher total energy intake, higher diet quality score and higher soy food intake; also more likely to have a higher education, higher personal income, higher physical activity level and received immunotherapy. 

  • At 10-year postdiagnosis, nut consumers had a higher overall survival (OS) rate (93.7% vs 89.0%, P = .003) and disease-free survival (DFS) rate (94.1% vs 86.2%, P < .001) compared with non-consumers. Similar survival differences were observed for consumption of peanuts, walnuts and other nuts including almonds. 

  • After adjustment for lifestyle factors and disease stage, every nut consumption level was associated with significantly better DFS (HR = 0.52, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.35-0.75), but a non-significantly improved OS (HR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.66-1.23). Analyses by amount of nut intake showed a dose-response relationship for both OS and DFS. The association between total nut consumption and DFS was consistently observed across almost all the subgroups of breast cancer patients. 

​​​​​​Study Limitations: The recurrence and metastasis statuses were self-reported. Misclassification, particularly regarding the event date, is likely. Despite a large number of participants in the study, the number of events was relatively small for subgroups of patients, resulting in limited statistical power. Nut consumption information was collected only once, at the 5-year follow-up survey, and information on the possible change in nut consumption was not captured. Bias due to reverse causality is possible because individuals with chronic diseases and poor health status may change their dietary habits. Further research is required.

Conclusion: Nut consumption, no matter the type, was associated with better survival, particularly disease-free survival, among long-term breast cancer survivors, following a dose-response pattern, which means the survival rates increased with eating more nuts. The average nut intake was 0.5 oz per week, which is about half of a recommended 1 oz. portion of almonds. The researchers recommend that nuts should be included in breast cancer survivors’ dietary guidance.

Almonds + RDNs in the News 

Vitamins are nourishing substances that are essential to maintaining health and wellness. They exist in everything we eat, and the dietary choices we make determine whether we get all the vitamins we need to keep our bodies working at their best. As clients work towards their health and wellness goals, they turn to you as trusted sources of information to guide them towards healthier food sources. In a recent article for Real Simple, Registered Dietitian Maya Feller shares that almonds are one of the highest sources of vitamin E, containing 7mg for a one-ounce serving.  Registered Dietitian Marissa Meshulam adds that almonds can also be enjoyed in nut butter form, noting that she likes to add almond butter to toast, smoothies or mixed in with her oatmeal.  

Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN is a registered dietitian nutritionist who is a nationally recognized nutrition expert. In her practice, her team provides medical nutrition therapy for the management of and risk reduction of non-communicable diseases. Whether addressing the nation or working one-on-one and with groups, Maya believes in providing nutrition education from an antibias patient-centered, culturally sensitive approach. Maya is dedicated to promoting nutrition education that helps the public to make informed food choices that support health and longevity and is the author of Southern Comfort Food Diabetes Cookbook. Follow her blog Maya Feller Nutrition and her Instagram to learn more.

Marissa Meshulam, MS, RD, CDN is a registered dietitian nutritionist currently practicing in NYC. She has a  Bachelors of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Wisconsin and a Masters of Science from New York University. Her food philosophy is simple and inclusive. Instead of categorizing foods as “good” or “bad” and spending time talking about foods we shouldn’t eat, she works with clients to help them eat more real, whole foods that fit their preferences. She is a firm believer that good nutrition is the key we are all given to unlock the door to our healthiest life. Follow her blog MPM Nutrition and her Instagram to learn more.

Helpful Resources

The Power of Plant-Based Meals
This handout discusses the health benefits of including more plant-based meals into our diet, as well as the environmental benefits.

State of the Science
The Almond Board has deep roots in research with more than 25 years of peer-reviewed published studies. Our current State of the Science is a handy guide to stay on top of the latest almond nutrition findings -- for patient needs and for media work.


Takeshita T, Yan L, Asaoka M, Rashid O, Takabe K. Late recurrence of breast cancer is associated with pro-cancerous immune microenvironment in the primary tumor. Sci Rep. 2019;9:16942. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53482-x.


Wang C, Gu K, Wang F, Cai H, Zheng W, Bao P and Shu X-O. Nut consumption in association with overall mortality and recurrence/disease-specific mortality among long-term breast cancer survivors. International Journal of Cancer. 2021; doi: 10.1002/ijc.33824.