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Dietitian E-News: Celebrate American Diabetes Month with Almonds!


With World Diabetes Day on November 14 and American Diabetes Month, November is a big month for diabetes awareness! Every year, the nation comes together to ring the alarm on the diabetes epidemic making November a great time to educate clients, connect them with resources, and make sure those around us are aware of their risk, too.

A recent study1 in JAMA Pediatrics suggests that 1 in 5 teens in the United States has prediabetes. The prevalence of diabetes increased significantly from 1999 to 2018, specifically, among U.S. youth aged 12 to 19. Junting Liu, from the Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing, and colleagues used data from 10 cycles of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1999-2000 to 2017-2018, combining every two consecutive cycles, to examine trends in prediabetes among U.S. youth aged 12 to 19 years. The analysis included 6,598 individuals (3,186 female; 3,412 male). The researchers observed a significant increase in the prevalence of prediabetes among U.S. youth, from 11.6% in 1999 to 2002 to 28.2% in 2015 to 2018. 

Now more than ever, clients are looking to you for tips on how to manage diabetes and prediabetes, not just for themselves but for their loved ones. Dietary and lifestyle interventions are an important part of stopping the progression of prediabetes to diabetes. Almonds are a low glycemic index food and a powerful nutrient package, which includes plant protein (6 g/oz), filling dietary fiber (4 g/oz), unsaturated fats (13 g/oz), saturated fats (1g /oz), and important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E (7.3 mg/oz), magnesium (77 mg/oz) and potassium (200 mg/oz).  Their nutrient profile combined with their versatility and many forms makes them a smart snack for those with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

RECIPE: Parmesan and Parsley Roasted Almonds

You and your clients will love these savory, parmesan and parsley almonds! The best part? They’re easy to make, without sacrificing nutrition or flavor. 

Parmesan & Parsley Roasted Almonds

Need a savory snack following your Halloween sweet tooth? These crunch-ilicious parmesan and parsley-roasted almonds can be prepared in a breeze and will satisfy all your snacking needs!

For more delicious recipes, visit our Recipe Center.

RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT: Study Examines Almond Consumption Among Those with Prediabetes

A recent study2, funded by the Almond Board of California, showed that almond snacking helped improve glucose metabolism in adolescents and young adults with prediabetes. The first study of its kind, it aimed to determine the effect of almond consumption on factors of metabolic dysfunction in 275 participants (aged 16-25 years old), who resided in Mumbai, India. At the start of the trial, participants’ weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were measured, and fasting blood samples were taken. Participants also underwent a glucose tolerance test and their lipid profiles were assessed.  

The almond group (n=107) ate 56 grams (about 2 one-ounce servings, or ~340 calories) of unroasted almonds every day for three months and the control group (n=112) ate a calorie-matched savory snack commonly consumed by this age group in India. Both snacks accounted for ~20% of participants’ total calorie intake.  

Throughout the duration of the study, participants were monitored to ensure they were compliant in eating their snacks. At the end of the study, participants completed dietary intake assessments and the same measurements and blood tests were performed again. Results showed: 

  • Significant decrease in HbA1c in the almond group compared to the control group. Improving blood sugar levels at the pre-diabetes stage may help prevent or delay the development of diabetes.   

  • Significant decrease in total cholesterol and “harmful” LDL-cholesterol, while maintaining “beneficial” HDL-cholesterol levels among the almond snackers compared to those in the control group.  

  • Inflammatory markers (TNF-α and IL-6) decreased in the almond group and increased in the control group, but this was not a statistically significant result. 

  • There were no changes in measures of weight, height, waist or hip circumferences or biochemical markers, nor macronutrient intake between the almond group and the control from the start to post-intervention.  

“Lifestyle changes including improved nutrition and exercise targeted at teens and young adults have the potential to halt the progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes. Results from this study show that the change does not have to be a major one – simply including a twice-daily snack of almonds can make a difference. The study results are very promising in showing how almonds improved total and LDL-cholesterol levels and reduced HbA1c levels in just 12 weeks of consumption,” said principal investigator, Dr. Jagmeet Madan PhD, Professor and Principal, Sir Vithaldis Thackersey College of Home Science (Autonomous), SNDT Women’s University (Mumbai).  

Limitations of the study include that participants could not be blinded. Further, nutritional intervention studies can also trigger behavioral changes in both groups, as the participants are made aware of their risk during the recruitment process. Further research is needed to investigate the effects of almond consumption on the same measures in other age groups and of different ethnicities. Click here to read the full study. 


We want to give a huge thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth at FNCE. We are thrilled to have gotten to reunite with some of you in-person in Orlando! If you missed us, be sure to check out our handouts that you can download for use with your patients and clients, and check us out on social to stay up-to-date on all things almonds.  

See you at FNCE next year in Denver!


As trusted health professionals, you know that watching your food intake when you have high blood sugar, doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite snacks. Instead, clients should adapt snacking habits to fit their health and nutrition goals.  A recent article by Eat This, Not That noted that nuts contain the blood sugar-stabilizing combination of protein and fiber. The Nutrition Twins point to an Almond Board-funded study published in Frontiers of Nutrition, about almonds impact on blood cholesterol and blood sugar. So, next time clients are looking for an indulgent and nutrient-rich snack, guide them toward almonds. 

Our RDNs in the news this month are the Nutrition Twins, Tammy Lakatos Shames and Lyssie Lakatos, and have 15 years of experience to help thousands of clients boost their energy naturally, achieve their health goals, become happier, and reach tip-top shape. The pair was voted among the Top 20 Nutrition Experts to Follow on Twitter by the Huffington Post, and they’re named a Top Influencer on Pinterest, with over 4 million followers. Tammy and Lyssie have been passionate about nutrition since early in their lives. For the Nutrition Twins, inspiring healthy habits isn’t just a job, it’s a heartfelt calling. Tammy and Lyssie love what they do, and their passion is palpable to all who meet them. The Nutrition Twins are on a dedicated mission to help make the world a healthier and happier place—one person at a time.

1 Madan J, Desai S, Moitra P, Salis S, Agashe S, Battalwar R, Mehta A, Kamble R, Kalita S, Phatak AG, Udipi SA, Vaidya RA and Vaidya AB (2021) Effect
of Almond Consumption on Metabolic Risk Factors—Glucose Metabolism, Hyperinsulinemia, Selected Markers of Inflammation: A Randomized
Controlled Trial in Adolescents and Young Adults. Front. Nutrients. 8:668622. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.66862.

2 Junting Liu et al, Trends in Prediabetes Among Youths in the US From 1999 Through 2018, JAMA Pediatrics (2022). DOI: