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Davis Enterprise Op-Ed: Almond Growers Focus on Water Efficiency


President and CEO of the Almond Board of California, Richard Waycott, recently penned an opinion piece for the Davis Enterprise about the California almond community’s long-standing commitment to efficient, responsible and sustainable use of water resources to irrigate almond orchards – something that has continued throughout the drought and even after a winter of El Niño storms.

In the piece, Waycott outlines the Accelerated Innovation Management program as “an integral part of the Almond Board of California’s ongoing commitment to research programs that generate continuous improvements in efficiency and sustainable water resources, the findings of which will benefit not just almond growers, but agriculture and California as a whole.”

Waycott notes that “we can take pride in the California almond community’s long-standing commitment to data-driven, next-generation practices that help us to be more efficient as well as environmentally responsible.”

In addition, Waycott comments that “Almond Board of California will continue to support growers by investing millions of dollars each year in important research – and with that research, we’ll continue to innovate, adapt, and improve for a more sustainable future.”

So even as the drought continues to impact all Californians, the California almond community remains invested in research and innovation to protect California's valuable natural resources for future generations.

To read the full op-ed in the Davis Enterprise, click here.

Topics: Growing Good