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The Buzz on Bees


Spring comes early to California’s Central Valley, and farmers and beekeepers alike are already focused on the start of almond bloom. Almonds are the first of the many crops in California pollinated by commercial honeybees, and the February bloom provides bees with their first natural pollen after the long winter. 

As we’ve covered here in the past, the relationship between almonds and honey bees is crucial and mutually beneficial. Since 1995, the Almond Board of California has invested almost $1.6 million in bee health research – more than any other crop – to learn how best to foster bee health in our orchards and beyond. 

In addition to funding research that has led to many breakthroughs through the years, our researchers and growers have become leaders on this topic, collaborating with beekeepers, government agencies, universities, and others involved in pollination to help further our collective knowledge and make the best decisions possible. 

And in October of last year, the Almond Board published its latest Honey Bee Best Management Practices, which  garnered praise from leading bee health experts and provided important insights not just for almonds but for many crops.

We hope to continue making advancements in the critical area of honey bee health. In keeping with our 2015 New Year’s resolution to keep you updated on our efforts, here is some new information


Topics: Growing Good