1 Land IQ draws on multiple lines of evidence including agronomic and remote sensing knowledge, unique field boundaries, robust on-the-ground verification, publicly available imagery and other spatial and non-spatial resources. USDA-NASS relies on grower surveys, nursery surveys, the USDA Census of Agriculture, California county agricultural commissioner reports, monthly industry position reports and extrapolation based on the summation of available knowledge of the industry.
2 Land IQ. California Statewide Almond Mapping - 2020. Based on data from USDA National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) and USGS Landsat.
3 The estimated non-bearing acreages for 2019 and 2020 are numeric estimates only, however based on extensive ground truthing, image analysis, and other lines of evidence. While bearing acreage mapping has been validated with an accuracy of 98.8%, non-bearing numerical acreage estimates should be understood to have an estimated +/-10% potential variability.
4 Land IQ. Groundwater Recharge Suitability Layer. Nov. 2015. Based on data from UC Davis Soil Agricultural Groundwater Banking Index, California DWR Groundwater Levels, USGS Central Valley Hydrologic Model Well Logs, USGS Corcoran Clay Extent, DWR Irrigation District Coverage, USGS Hydrology and Points of Diversion.