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Almond Varieties

There are more than two dozen almond varieties produced in California orchards, each with distinct characteristics. 

California almond classifications & varieties.

California almond varieties are categorized into five broad classifications based on distinguishing characteristics such as size and shape. Approximately 90 percent of almond production in California falls into the following three major classifications: Nonpareil, California, and Mission. Within those classifications there are over 30 almond varieties, many of which are grown in California. Some varieties may fall under more than one classification since they have characteristics of one type (such as Mission), but are also blanchable (a requirement of the California classification).



With the widest range of uses among the marketing categories, Nonpareil are readily blanched (skin removal) and cut for processed forms. A thin outer shell and smooth kernel allow for easy, blemish-free processing. As a result, Nonpareil are used anywhere an attractive appearance or a strong almond identification is important. Examples of Nonpareil varieties include Independence and Nonpareil.



This classification includes a number of varieties that are blanchable and used primarily in manufactured products. California-type almonds have a wide range of shell hardness, kernel shapes, skin color, and surface characteristics. As a result, they are quite adaptable and well suited for nearly any process or application. Examples include, but are not limited to Aldrich, Carmel, and Monterey. For an exhaustive list please reference the Almond Technical ToolKit.



Mission almonds have hard shells, and their kernels are small, wide, and often plump. The kernel skin is generally darker than Nonpareil and wrinkled, which enhances salt and flavor adherence. Blanching is not as common for this type. Examples of Mission varieties include Butte, Fritz, and Padre.

Additional resources:
Guide to California Almonds Poster - to request a hard copy, email:
USDA Standards Almonds In-Shell
USDA Standards Shelled Almonds