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State Water Board Releases Latest Unimpaired Flows Plan


On Friday, July 6, 2018, the California State Water Board (SWB) released the third and final draft of the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan’s Phase 1 update for the Lower San Joaquin River and Southern Delta. This plan accompanies the Supplemental Environmental Document (SED), otherwise known as the unimpaired flows plan. Largely unchanged from the previous draft, this update proposes 40 percent unimpaired flows from Feb. to June to the three tributaries of the San Joaquin River: the Tuolomne, Stanislaus and Merced rivers. The stated goal of this update is to address declines in native fisheries, including salmon.

This update is the next step in a multi-year process that looks to continue well into the future as further updates occur. The SWB also released a framework document for “Phase 2” of the plan which, among other measures, proposes 55 percent unimpaired flows for the Sacramento River and Delta tributaries. Together, the proposed changes provide regulatory requirements for Delta inflows, cold water habitat, Delta outflow and interior Delta flow measures. Complementary physical habitat restoration and other nonflow measures are recommended pending voluntary agreements that, if implemented, could allow for reductions in required in-stream flows.

The State Water Board will hold a public meeting on August 21-22 to consider adoption of Phase 1 amendments to the Bay-Delta Plan and supporting SED. Given the significant reductions in agricultural diversions for those reliant on the Tuolumne, Stanislaus and Merced Rivers, and reductions in diversions throughout the Central Valley in future phases, multiple agricultural organizations are encouraging engagement in the process.

In Dec. 2016, the Almond Board of California submitted comments on the State Water Board’s draft plan at a listening session. These comments highlighted water’s importance to almond growers, on-farm improvements and efficiencies achieved throughout the industry – and how this plan would impact the California almond community. Then, in March of 2017, the Almond Alliance of California submitted extensive written comments on the plan.

Impacts aren’t limited to farms, either, as reductions in water supplies to cities throughout California, including San Francisco and Los Angeles, also may occur as a result of this plan.

Comments on the updated plan are due to the State Water Board by Monday, July 27, at noon. Learn how you can submit a comment here, or email Jeanine Townsend, Clerk Board, SWB, to submit a comment letter regarding changes made to the plan over the years.  

The Almond Board will continue to monitor and provide updates on proposed changes to the Bay-Delta Plan and its potential impacts on the industry.