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Solar Day in the Orchard


Saturday, July 15, 2017 marked the first-ever solar day for members of the Almond Board of California’s Almond Leadership Program. Leadership participants gathered in an almond orchard at Chamisal Creek Ranch in Colusa County, where owner Mike Doherty joined Sunworks Solar Inc. in hosting the event. The learning opportunity was a success as young almond industry leaders gained a comprehensive view of the important role solar energy can play on the farm. 
Rita Edwards, Director of Marketing for Sunworks and a recent graduate of the Almond Leadership Program, said, “We are extremely pleased to have co-hosted the Almond Board Leadership Program with Chamisal Creek Ranch. We are committed to establishing long term relationships with almond growers and to integrating solar power to enhance the efficiency of almond farming methods.”
Leadership participants appreciated the opportunity to see solar panels’ sustainable power at work in the middle of an orchard. Robert (Cameron) White of Sierra View Ranch believes solar energy may be a cost-effective option for environmentally-savvy farmers. “This [solar] has been a great option for farmers for the past several years to offset their electricity bills and significantly increase the sustainability of the overall operation.” 
Overall, these future leaders of the almond industry felt enthusiastic after their exposure to solar innovations in the orchard. “The solar day at Chamisal Creek Ranch was a phenomenal experience,” said participant Ashley Hollis with Almond Alliance of California. “Mr. Doherty graciously shared his vast knowledge and experiences with us, leaving us with a better understanding and appreciation for agriculture. Sunworks was a wonderful host and truly opened my eyes to the benefits of using solar in agriculture; it was obvious how passionate and committed they are to their clients and agriculture.” 
Sunworks Solar Inc. is the sponsor of this year’s Almond Leadership Program, the Almond Board’s year-long mentoring and immersion program that includes more than 100 hours of seminars and cooperative events on leadership training, communication strategies, networking and educational assignments. Over the past eight years, the program has helped participants grow as leaders and advocates of the almond industry and broadened their understanding of the multiple components at work in getting almonds from tree to table. 
For the past two years, Almond Leadership Program participants have sponsored a fundraiser for California FFA Scholarships awarded to young people who intend to pursue agriculture after high school. This year, the 2017 Leadership Class aims to raise $25,000 in scholarship funds. To join the 2017 Almond Leadership Class in supporting the future generation of agriculture, or to learn the stories of past scholarship winners, visit
Interested in enrolling in the 2018 Almond Leadership Class? Watch a video from past participants and apply at” or contact Jenny Nicolau at or (209) 343-3248.