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Serving Up #AlmondSustainability


While the drought generated extensive conversation about almond water usage, the continued spotlight on almond growing practices gives us an opportunity to share the many great improvements and practices adopted by the California Almond industry with the public.

To help grow what customers and consumer know about almonds, Almond Board of California (ABC) ran a campaign in July and August around #AlmondSustainability. It’s not just the healthy snack we grow, but how we grow it that is increasingly important.

The health benefits of eating a serving of almonds is well known, but many are unaware of the specifics of how almonds are grown, let alone that they grow on trees. This campaign aims to show them how almonds and those who farm them can provide benefits for our local communities and the planet, too.

Using 23 bite-sized kernels of knowledge (or one serving of our favorite nut), we’re celebrating the industry’s responsible farming practices across many areas including water, coproducts, honey bee health, orchard management and more.

Through research, we found that consumers are looking for more digestible information, graphics, and videos that they can engage with on social media, but also want to have access to additional information if they want to learn more. As a result, kernels in this campaign were shared across North America consumer-facing and industry-facing social channels, and then linked to the blog where those interested can dig in and learn more about each kernel. In addition, the campaign included digital and radio ads targeting California residents.

See the kernels at and follow along with #almondsustainability on social media. Use these kernels as inspiration to share how you grow with neighbors and friends outside of agriculture.