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Prepare Now for a Successful Almond Harvest


The Managing Dust at Harvest video demonstrates techniques to keep dust at a minimum during harvest.Acquiring or using low-dust harvest equipment may not be an option for all, so Almond Board of California has prepared several resources for almond growers that explain research-based tools and techniques to reduce dust during harvest. These include:

  • Managing Dust at Harvest technical guide (in English and Spanish);
  • Managing Dust at Harvest video (in English and Spanish), which demonstrates the steps outlined in the technical guide;
  • Short videos that outline dust management strategies according to stage of harvest: Preharvest, Sweeping and Pickup (in English and Spanish); and
  • Harvest Dust Tool Kit, with a key chain to measure sweeper head height, as well as window clings and a durable guide to the top four dust-reduction strategies.

These resources and more, including a Sweeper Cost Analysis Calculator, are available at