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'Own Your Everyday. Every Day.' New Campaign for U.S. and Canada


Just in time for Almond Day on Feb. 16, Almond Board of California (ABC) U.S. and Canada marketing teams launched a new integrated consumer marketing campaign across the three pillars of the program: advertising, public relations and social media. 

Own your everyday_0.jpgAfter conducting thorough consumer research last year, the teams identified a new consumer audience with more almond consumption potential. This audience currently eats fewer almonds than our previous target audience (on a self-reported basis), but their busy lifestyles, eating patterns, health attitudes and snack preferences indicate a solid opportunity to make almonds their go-to snack. With this new audience, the marketing teams held focus groups to assess the effectiveness of different almond messaging.

The results of those focus groups and research formed the basis of the new campaign, “Own Your Everyday. Every Day.” Starting earlier this February, this phrase became the Almond Board’s anthem of consumer marketing and communications efforts in the U.S. and Canada. This message stemmed from an insight that this new audience loves to be busy – they aren’t daunted by busyness and don’t feel overwhelming stress when they have a long to-do list to accomplish in a day. In fact, this consumer group claim they can handle all their daily tasks and a bag of chips. Literally.

At ABC, our goal is to further champion that spirit of owning the day – even the most "everyday" or routine tasks – with the energy that may follow when a consumer swaps out other snacks for almonds.

The marketing teams are using a mix of tactics focused on raising awareness of almond snacking to increase the audience’s likelihood to think about almonds and see them as a relevant, convenient and nutritious snack. The campaign involved TV ads on NBC during its broadcasting of the Winter Olympics. In the coming months, additional advertising will include popular entertainment and social channels like Pandora and Snapchat.

Bookmark the Own Your Everyday webpage and visit often as we roll out this new campaign with exciting spokespeople and entertaining fun that promises to keep consumers excited about almonds.


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