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Operate Sprayers for Maximum Control, Minimum Drift


Improving the accuracy of spray applications leads to improved efficacy in pest control, and therefore greater returns to growers. But keeping spray material in the target zone can also reduce the environmental impact of almond farming by minimizing off-site movement of pesticides through drift or deposition on the orchard floor.

Several years of research supported by Almond Board of California (ABC) have shown there are multiple steps almond growers can take to optimize spray efficacy. These include sprayer calibration and equipment operation. Some of the findings of this research can be found in the articles “Following the Coverage: Pest Management and Spray Efficacy” and “Improved Almond Spraying Reduces Pesticide Movement.”

Equipment operation for improved spray accuracy includes:

  • Adjusting air volume to move spray through the canopy but no farther;
  • Using sufficient water to provide good coverage with the amount increasing as the season progresses;
  • Reducing speed; increasing speed from 2 mph to 2.2 mph has reduced coverage in trials by about 30%.

Taking the time to calibrate and adjust equipment results in reduced environmental impacts without significant changes or investment in capital equipment.