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Official Produce Safety Training Now Available!


Safe Food Alliance is offering the FDA-approved “Produce Safety Alliance” Grower training course, which helps growers meet the requirements of the new Produce Safety rule under the FDA’s “Food Safety Modernization Act” (FSMA), if they are not electing to file for the Produce Safety exemption (see more below).

The Produce Safety course will provide a foundation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and co-management information, FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements and details on how to develop a farm food safety plan. This training is recognized by the FDA as meeting the FSMA training requirement § 112.22(c) that for each farm:

“At least one supervisor or responsible party for your farm must have successfully completed food safety training at least equivalent to that received under standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by the Food and Drug Administration.”

View full Details and trainings>>

Upcoming Dates and Locations
August 17th in Stockton, CA
August 31st in Tulare, CA

IMPORTANT NOTE: All produce grown in the U.S. must comply with the Produce Safety rule, unless it falls under an exemption. ABC has been engaged with the FDA to determine an exemption for almond growers. Growers may be exempt from complying with the Produce Safety rule if they:

1) Provide a written disclosure to their huller/sheller and handler stating that the almonds have not been processed to reduce the presence of microorganisms (by January 2018 for large farms), and

2) Annually obtain a written assurance from their handler indicating that the almonds have been properly treated (required two years following written disclosure compliance date)

ABC is in the process of developing a written disclosure form, which will be available soon. Written disclosure could be provided in the form of grower tags, contracts or other paperwork.

Visit for more information, and make sure to check back frequently for updates!