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New Year, New Look


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To meet the growing needs of our industry, the Almond Board of California is kicking off the new year with a fresh take on our eNewsletter. The new name, In the Orchard, reflects exactly what we will deliver each week: industry news, updates and ideas that you can put to use in your orchard.

We’ve modernized the eNewsletter design, adding features that will keep you “in the know” and connected to the latest industry happenings, including resources from other experts and voices in the industry.

How We GrowThis reimagining of our outreach efforts extends to our print newsletter, as well. If you’ve been receiving the California Almond Outlook print newsletter in your monthly issue of Pacific Nut Producer, expect to see a number of changes, from how you receive this newsletter to its look and feel.

In the completely redesigned How We Grow print newsletter, which will be delivered directly to your mailbox every other month, we will include more forward-looking articles that feature the Almond Orchard 2025 Goals at work, marketing insights and global trade updates. We will also feature a “Movers and Shakers” section that will recognize 2-3 industry members who are positively impacting their local communities, actively participating in ag-related organizations, etc.

If you would like to recommend a certain “mover and shaker” be included in an upcoming issue of How We Grow, please email Ashley Knoblauch at with the person’s name and a paragraph explaining why you believe they deserve recognition.

If you didn’t get a chance to grab How We Grow at The Almond Conference last month, keep an eye out for your copy – it should arrive in your mailbox soon. And, if you find you aren’t receiving How We Grow, email Knoblauch and ask to be added to our distribution list.

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