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Marketing Programs Propel Almonds to Top-of-Mind


Buddy Ketchner, BK Strategy, a longtime strategic partner of ABC, is one of the panelists addressing market development at this year’s Almond Conference.Over the years, Almond Board of California (ABC) has cultivated not only the awareness of almonds with consumers, but they’ve elevated almonds to top-of-mind. In large part, the consumer shift is a result of the diverse investment of marketing programs within ABC. At this year’s Almond Conference, ABC will offer a symposium titled, “Evolution of the Almond Board’s Marketing Programs” with speakers Buddy Ketchner and Stacey Humble (ABC).

Craig Duerr, chairman of the Global Market Development Committee at ABC, will moderate the session. Buddy Ketchner is a longtime strategic partner of ABC and owner of BK Strategy. The symposium will discuss how ABC has invested in marketing programs over the years, while continuing to diversify their investments and further educate consumers on the benefits of almonds.

Biggest Investment
“Market development activities are the largest spend of the board, so this session is a very effective way to learn how money at ABC is spent,” says Stacey Humble, vice president of global marketing for Almond Board of California. “Almond industry members will find something they’re interested in and leverage for their own operation, while also getting a general feel and outlook for the larger market.”

Not only is ABC evolving its programs, but also investing in people who continue to build awareness and demand of California Almonds. A new addition to the ABC team is Emily Fleischmann, senior director of
global marketing, who started at ABC in March 2016. With a background in brand management, global finance and accounting, Fleischmann was a perfect fit for the position.

“I was looking for a new opportunity, and this is my dream job at the Almond Board,” recalls Fleischmann. “I wanted to pull the global piece back into my career, and this opening allowed me to work with a phenomenal brand and continue to grow its global presence.”

As Crop Grows, Programs Evolve
Looking to the future, as the almond crop continues to increase, ABC is planning to continue to evolve its marketing programs even further to foster additional demand for the product.

“In many ways, we’re in the lead performer position,” says Humble. “Almonds evolved from unhealthy to healthy, an ingredient to a snack, and a minor ingredient to now being the star ingredient in many products across many categories. We don’t only want to stay in the game, we want to remain number one.”