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March 1 Deadline Approaches for Submitting Coalition Reports


Parry Klassen has a friendly reminder for his fellow Central Valley farmers, including almond growers: Don’t miss the deadline for submitting reports to your local Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) coalition. Orchard

“We’re at 93% submittal rate of Nitrogen Summary Reports as of February,” said Klassen, who manages the East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition, one of 13 ILRP coalitions across the Central Valley. “That’s good, but we need 100% by the March 1 deadline. Our coalitions are mandated to turn over the names of those who don’t submit these summary reports.”

Growers in ‘high-vulnerability’ areas must submit a Nitrogen Management Plan summary report. All growers must submit a Farm Evaluation report.

Missing the deadline can result in serious consequences. The Regional Water Quality Control Board has authority to fine growers up to $1,000 per day, and several growers who have failed to submit reports in the past have been fined more than $30,000.

While paperwork is no one’s favorite component of running an operation, completing farm evaluations and nitrogen plans provide benefits to both growers and the environment. Ensuring proper application of nitrogen helps ensure good yields, save money and protect local groundwater.

Who needs to comply?

The requirement to submit Nitrogen Management Plan summary reports to the local ILRP coalition applies to all Central Valley growers in high-vulnerability areas for groundwater contamination. All growers must submit a Farm Evaluation.

How do I comply?

Complete and submit the plans to your local ILRP coalition. A complete list with contact information is available at the California Water Boards’ webpage.

Where can I get help?

Your Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) may be a helpful resource in completing your summary report. Coalitions also hold periodic educational events to assist growers in understanding the requirements and provide education that allows growers to self-certify their reports. Learn more at

Almond Board resources

Almond Board of California developed the Nitrogen Calculator, a tool that not only helps almond growers manage nitrogen applications for efficient fertilizer use, but also generates a Nitrogen Management Plan as required by ILRP. Built on University of California research, the Nitrogen Calculator has grower-friendly features, including a library of fertilizers in pull-down menus for easy rate calculations. It also calculates nitrogen contributions from non-fertilizer sources, such as groundwater, compost and legume cover crops, and can recalculate fertilizer rates as applications are made during the season.

Growers can reference the calculator and other information on nutrient management while working toward the March 1 deadline at

Changes coming to the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program

On February 7, 2018 the State Water Board adopted changes to the ILRP. While they will not affect what is required for the 2018 growing season, some of the changes will take effect in the 2019 growing season. Key changes include keeping track of irrigation in the nitrogen management plans; setting timeframes for the Coalitions to establish actual nitrogen needs for most of the crops grown in the Central Valley (already have for almonds); drinking water well monitoring; etc. The Almond Board will continue to share updates on this important issue as more information becomes available.

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