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Investing in the Future


Almond Board of California (ABC) exists to further develop a sustainable and profitable marketplace for California growers and handlers. August 1 marked the start of the 2017/2018 crop year for the Almond Board of California budget, and with the new year comes new opportunity for supporting California Almonds.

ABC believes strategic investment is essential in carrying the industry to new heights. The new budget provides for a hefty increase in marketing support of roughly $10 million. By allocating funding to create additional global demand, we can help put California Almonds in a favorable position ahead of an ever-increasing supply.

Marketing investments will hold many forms across the world. Take Germany. German customers as a whole already include almonds in pastry and chocolate recipes, but haven’t traditionally considered almonds a snack. ABC has launched a robust public relations and advertising program to encourage a mind shift, encouraging increased consumption. Japan will also see a revived trade and public relations program, following a multi-year absence in the region.

Back in North America, Almond Board is applying best practices from U.S. marketing programs in Canada by targeting males, expanding from the historically female demographic. The goal throughout all marketing campaigns is to help the world love California Almonds as much as we do.

The 2017/2018 ABC budget also includes ample support for new and on-going agricultural and environmental research as well as human nutrition research. The latter will be especially important in India. Unfortunately, Indians are the world’s foremost sufferer of diabetes. ABC’s Nutrition Research Committee launched three clinical trials studying various dietary issues involving the disease that will build foundational knowledge of how almonds may help. In addition to helping improve health in India, increased almond consumption fueled by nutrition research will benefit almond growers in California.

Beyond generating traditional consumption through marketing and research funding, ABC is investing in the disposition of almond co-products. To help advance this cause, ABC established a Bio-Mass Working Group. From better understanding the value of incorporating hulls, shells and woody bio-mass back into orchards to extracting sugars from hulls for human consumption, the group plans to tackle it all.

As growers push the envelope of what’s possible, Almond Board continues to help drive almond consumption and move the industry forward at an accelerated pace. No matter the form, investing in California Almonds pays dividends.