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Harvest Session Discusses Incentives, Research and More


With another harvest in the books and you experience from this year still fresh, now is an ideal time to consider new practices for next season. If you’re interested in learning how harvest 2019 could be different, add the session “Research in Harvest Dust” to your schedule for this year’s Almond Conference.

During this session experts are set to present the latest research in harvest dust management. On the docket for discussion are techniques to reduce dust at harvest, incentive programs for low-dust equipment and comparisons of current harvest systems with potential alternatives.Harvest1.jpg

“This focuses on how specific practices and new approaches can come together to help growers be successful,” said Sabastian Saa, ABC’s senior manager for Agricultural Research and a moderator for the session. “As attendees will hear, the research will have short- and long-term effects on how almonds are harvested.”

There is a significant amount of new research this year on dust management thanks in part to the creation of ABC’s Harvest Workgroup. Led by chairman Brian Wahlbrink, the Harvest Workgroup hit the ground running in early 2018. In its inaugural year, the group approved funding for research aimed at helping the almond community meet specific harvest dust-reduction goals. More details on the progress of that research and new industry goals will also be featured at The Almond Conference.

“We know that almond growers want to be good neighbors in their communities,” said Jesse Roseman, ABC’s Environmental Affairs senior specialist and one of the session speakers. “Our goal is to minimize the impact of visible dust through research, practice and equipment improvements, and incentives.”

Speaking alongside Roseman will be Sergio Capareda of Texas A&M, Ted Strauss of the Natural Resource Conservation District (NRCS) and Chris Simmons of UC Davis. Guangwei Huang, associate director of food research and technology at ABC, will join Saa as session moderator.

Catch this harvest dust session on Day 3 of The Almond Conference at 3:30 p.m. in Room 308-309. Registration is free and now open at