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Final CASP Workshops Will Address Harvest Dust, Renewable Energy


The final round of California Almond Sustainability Program (CASP) workshops for 2016 will be held in late June/early July. As with series 1 and 2, they will take place in three locations — one in each of the state’s growing regions — to be announced later.

These workshops will demonstrate ways that growers can keep harvest dust at a minimum using techniques research has shown to be effective in helping to keep dust in the orchard. Tentative plans include demonstrations of equipment that incorporates new technology to reduce dust. Harvest dust is both a nuisance and an air quality issue. This is a great opportunity to learn how you can modify your equipment and your technique to reduce dust, or to utilize clean harvest technology. 

The second topic will cover renewable energy, such as solar. Manufacturers have been invited to give presentations and display their renewable energy systems.

Incentive programs for clean harvest technology will be outlined by representatives from Natural Resources Conservation Service, and incentives for renewable energy by representatives from PG&E and Southern California Edison.

These workshops will also be your final opportunity of the season to fill out CASP modules with input and assistance from SureHarvest representatives, who manage the sustainability program on behalf of the Almond Board. They will also be demonstrating the three online tools available at the nitrogen calculator, irrigation calculator and mapping tool.

Dates, times and locations will be announced soon. Please keep this opportunity in mind for a preharvest check-in and opportunity to do your part for the good of your operation, your neighbors and the California Almond industry.