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Building Global Demand


The Global Market Development Committee (GMDC) was established to build global demand for almonds by identifying and pursuing long-term growth opportunities that contribute to the financial well-being of the industry. GMDC applies a high-level strategic perspective to market prioritization, market development planning, and resource allocation between established and emerging markets.

The GMDC currently oversees programs in 10 markets. The established markets are the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France and Germany. The emerging markets are China, India and South Korea. We have also begun exploratory research in Japan and Brazil for future program consideration.

By 2020, millennials are expected to make up one-third of the population. What does this mean for the future positioning of California Almonds?

And, as the almond crop continues to increase, how will the GMDC programs continue to evolve to foster additional demand for the product?

I encourage you to attend the “Evolution of the Almond Board’s Marketing Programs” session at The Almond Conference on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 10:15 a.m., to hear answers to these questions and more. The session covers consumer trends and provides an overview of where the Almond Board will invest its resources to best support the projected increase in almond supply. You can read more about this session in the article, Marketing Programs Propel Almonds to Top-of-Mind.


Craig Duerr, Chair
Global Market Development Committee