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Almond Orchard 2025 Goals, Innovation and More: The 2018 Almond Conference in the News


The 46th Almond Conference was one for the books. A record-breaking 3,907 attendees discovered the almond industry’s latest trends and technologies, learned more about the Almond Orchard 2025 Goals, watched the Peterson Farm Brothers perform their latest hit song and took in James Garner’s Tribute to Johnny Cash as the band rocked the stage at the Gala Dinner.

The almond community gathered during a critical time for the almond industry — a time when innovation and commitment to sustainability1 continue to make headlines. And thanks to agricultural journalists who attended and reported on the Conference, news traveled across the industry about the event’s hottest topics:

The Almond Orchard 2025 Goals

At the Conference, the Almond Board of California (ABC) announced the Almond Orchard 2025 Goals, which were positively received by AgAlert. Adopted by the ABC Board of Directors in June 2018, the Almond Orchard 2025 Goals are the latest way the California almond community is committed to continuous improvement.

AgAlert’s video recap of the three-day event features ABC President and CEO Richard Waycott and documents the sights and sounds of The 2018 Almond Conference.

Video source: AgAlert

The Almond Orchard 2025 goals were also covered by other agricultural outlets — AgNet West, IEG Vu (by subscription only) and Western Farm Press. AgNet West reported on the State of the Industry address presented by Waycott and Holly A. King, chair of the ABC Board. During the address, Waycott shared his excitement for the future of the almond industry with the goals in place.

“It is a journey and we’re inviting really the world, the public, certainly our customers, and consumers to be part of that,” Waycott said. “With that, we’ll enhance our stature as an industry and we’ll provide customers and consumers with a lot of knowledge and awareness of what we’re doing here in California in terms of agricultural practice.”

Almond Conference 2018
Photo source: AgNet West

ABC invests $6.8 million in research

AgFax, a 24/7 agricultural news website, shared ABC’s latest commitment to research and helped The Almond Conference gain coverage on the national stage when it announced the Almond Board’s $6.8 million investment in 75 independent research projects. This news spread far and wide through other media outlets including AgNet West, Growing Produce and IEG Vu.

Almond Conference 2018

More at The Almond Conference

Beyond the Almond Orchard 2025 Goals and the research investment, IEG Vu captured some of the key issues in foreign markets affecting California almonds. Western Farm Press recapped keynote speaker David Deak’s vision of the future of creative innovations in agriculture. And AgNet West covered key highlights from the Conference’s first-ever live consumer panel.

Every year, The Almond Conference offers an opportunity for the community to come together and discuss key topics, technologies and perspectives. The 2018 Almond Conference was no different, and the stories told throughout the media reflect the overall outlook of the industry — the future of California almonds remains bright.

Almond Conference 2018
Photo source: Western Farm Press

[1] Sustainable almond farming utilizes production practices that are economically viable and based upon scientific research, common sense and a respect for the environment, neighbors and employees. The result is a plentiful, healthy and safe food product.