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Accelerated Innovation and Sustainability — Joe MacIlvaine, Chairman, Production Research Committee



The Almond Conference in December, as always, provided a wealth of information to help growers fine-tune their production practices with updated techniques and state-of-the-art tools. More than 3,500 industry members crowded the meeting rooms and trade show floor. If you weren’t there, you should have been!

Here are some highlights:

  • Accelerated Innovation Management (AIM) initiatives were launched. This strategic effort is designed to make the California Almond industry even more efficient and sustainable.
  • A major focus of the AIM initiatives is irrigation management and efficiency, topics also covered by a number of Almond Conference events, including symposium sessions “Irrigation 1.0 Standards” and “Achieving Irrigation 2.0 and 3.0 Efficiencies.”
  • The AIM initiatives also address water resources and reliability of supply, as well as the feasibility of using almond orchards to recharge groundwater with rains and runoff from wet winters.
  • Sustainability sessions included “About the California Almond Sustainability Program,” a session on how to join in the California Almond Sustainability Program (CASP) and its benefits to those who participate as well as to the industry as a whole.

I encourage you to review all the 2015 Conference presentations.


Joe MacIlvaine, Chairman
Production Research Committee