The elected nominees for the 2016–17 Almond Board of California Board of Directors were seated at the April 12 board meeting. Members who have been re-elected to their position are marked with an asterisk, and members who are new to their specific position, but returning to service on the Board, are marked with the plus sign. During the board meeting, the Board unanimously voted Mike Mason as chair and Kent Stenderup as vice chair.
The Board of Directors is composed of 10 members and is responsible for establishing policy, recommending budgets and programs to the secretary of agriculture for approval, and reviewing program results and effectiveness.
The more than 6,800 almond growers and 104 almond handlers elect the five growers and five handlers in an annual election process held throughout the state. The Board members give the chair the authority to appoint individuals to standing Almond Board committees:
- Administrative and Finance
- Almond Quality and Food Safety
- Environmental
- Global Market Development
- Production Research
- Nutrition Research
- Technical and Regulatory Affairs
- Industry Services
Board and committee members provide a generous service to the almond industry and serve without compensation.