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Ag in the Classroom

The future of California Almonds is in the hands of the next generation. That's why the Almond Board of California is committed to providing accurate information about almond production and the almond industry to kids across the state, through a program known as Ag in the Classroom

Many students, and even adults for that matter, don’t realize that almonds grow on trees. Even more, they’re often unaware that California is an agricultural powerhouse, with more than 400 crops grown here.

 Almond Board of California (ABC) offers several resources explaining how almonds grow, the history of California Almonds and the many ways to enjoy the versatile nut. These resources are designed to give elementary students a better understanding of where their food comes from and to expand their knowledge of agriculture, the environment and natural resources.

The Ag in the Classroom program provides the following materials: 
1. Lesson Plan

This five-lesson unit for grades 3-5 covers all aspects of the almond industry. Students will learn about the people involved in growing almonds, development of almond trees and nuts, almond processing, different uses of almonds, almond history and nutritional information. 

These lessons coordinate with An Almond Story video and activity book. The video and activity book are designed to work together and feature Auntie Bee’s story about the almond life cycle, the history of the almond industry and the many uses of almonds across the globe.

Lesson Plan - An Almond Story


2. Video

At almost 8 minutes in length, this educational video teaches students about the almond growing process, “from Bee to A.” Viewers will see and hear  ‘Auntie Bee’ tell ‘Little Bee’ a bedtime story unlike any he has ever heard, a story about her arrival at an orchard, her job as pollinator to buzz from blossom to blossom and the resulting harvest that takes place every year. 

An Almond Story

3. Activity Book

“An Almond Story” activity book allows students to explore California Almonds on a variety of levels, from using a maze to trace almonds’ journey from the Mediterranean area of Europe to India and beyond to creating acrostic poems. Each page includes vocabulary and a fun activity that allows students to easily digest the information about eating more nutrient-rich foods – something California is known for supplying. Using ‘An Almond Story,’ Almond Board gives students a backstage pass to view the amazing process that brings almonds from tree to table.

Activity Book - An Almond Story

These educational materials were developed with the support of the California Foundation for Ag in the Classroom. Visit their website for more ag education resources and to find events happening in your area.

When students make a personal connection with some of California’s farmers who grow the food they see in the supermarket or on their plates, they can get excited

Did you know?

For more information, contact Jenny Nicolau

Order copies of the activity book free of charge here.