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Board of Directors Elections

Everything you need to know about the Almond Board of California elections process.

Group photo of almond industry professionals in a meeting room

Every year, the Almond Board of California conducts an election process for open seats on the Board of Directors according to our federal marketing order. Open positions and policies for the current/upcoming election, important dates, and frequently asked questions about the election process can be found below.

ABC encourages eligible women, minorities, and people with disabilities to consider running for a position on the Board of Directors. We believe individuals from all walks of life can contribute to improving the lives of almond growers and the communities in which they live. 

Important Election Dates

February 7Election cycle begins. Candidate declaration window opens.
April 1Candidate declaration window closes. Last day for ABC to receive Letters of Intent and Grower Petitions
April 21Ballots mailed to independent growers and handlers. Election voting begins
May 22Last day for ABC to receive signed ballots. Election voting ends
June 2Election results announced
August 1New terms of office begin


Election Policies
  1. Any grower that does not receive a ballot should contact their handler to ensure their correct contact information is in the grower list before a replacement ballot is sent. Replacement ballots will be mailed out no later than 5 business days before the deadline. Replacement ballots may also be picked up at ABC.
  2. Public notification of candidate intent will be updated weekly on the Election webpage. Last update is 48 hours prior to the April 1 deadline.
  3. No seat changes will be allowed after the April 1st deadline.

2025/2026 BOD Seats Open for Election

Independent PositionTermCandidates - MembersCandidates - Alternates
Independent Grower #11-year swing

Paul Ewing

Independent Grower #23-year term

Brandon Rebiero

Brad Klump
Independent Handler #1*3-year term (only one year remaining)Jessica Davis, Chad DeRose(seat not open)**
Independent Handler #31-year swingDarren RiggDinesh Bajaj

* This is normally a 3-year seat, but was vacated mid-term; the candidate elected for member seat will only serve the remaining 1 year of the term. This position will be up for re-election again in 2026.

** The alternate seat for this position is currently filled and not open for this election.


Co-op Position Term
Co-op Handler #13-year term
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q - What types of positions are there on the Board of Directors?

A - There are four types of seats related to the types of membership representation: Independent Handler, Independent Grower, Cooperative Grower, and Cooperative Handler. More information about total number of seats and terms can be found in the Federal Marketing Order at the following link:

Q. How do I run for an open Independent Grower or Independent Handler seat on the Board?

A - To become an official candidate for these positions and have your name appear on the ballot, you must qualify for the open position, and declare your candidacy in writing to the Board. More details can be found by clicking here

Q - Are there term limits for the ABC BOD?

A - Yes; Board members can serve for a total of six consecutive years. Once they reach the six years they have termed out and must leave the Board for at least one year before becoming eligible to serve again. (Does not apply to alternates)

Q - What qualifications are needed to run for a seat on the Board?

A - Prospective candidates must be a current grower or handler. Additionally, growers must submit a Grower Petition which includes at least 15 signatures of current growers.

Q - What is the Alternate’s role on the Board?

A - The alternate acts in the place of a member in his/her absence. In the event of a member’s death, removal, resignation or disqualification, the alternate will serve as member until a new member has been selected and qualified.

Q -Who is allowed to vote in the election?

A - Any person, including a business unit, engaged in a crop ownership capacity of the commercial production of almonds and delivering them to an independent handler.  For more information on the included categories, please email

Q - What if I don’t receive a ballot?

A - Contact your Handler to make sure they have your name & correct address on their Grower List. Have your Handler contact the Elections team at to have a ballot mailed to you before May 19th. You can also pick up a ballot from the ABC office.

Got additional questions? View more FAQs online or email your questions to